The Stormwater Blog

Proper maintenance is hands-down the most important factor in the sustainability of any infiltration system. By their very nature, infiltration systems are difficult to inspect and maintain. The selection of a cost-effective and easy-to-access pretreatment system can mean a huge difference in maintenance expenses for years to come.

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On the rare occasion I get invited to a party, I like preparing topical jokes, funny anecdotes, and ways of explaining my job as a stormwater engineer that won’t instantly put the other guests to sleep. So when someone asks what I do, I usually pique their curiosity by answering, “I make the world a cleaner place, one storm at a time.” This usually gets a follow-up question about what that means or a confused look and a request to tell another joke about pineapples.

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Red flags are design elements that are commonly or easily overlooked and may need extra attention when designing. Considering the red flags upfront will expedite the design and fabrication process, and eliminate delays, installation, and performance issues.

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Where are you buying structural backfill these days? Is what you need readily available, or are you looking outside your area and/or waiting an extended time for delivery? With available land space continuing to decrease, stormwater detention/retention is commonly being designed underground. The current construction boom and increasing detention volume requirements have made rock scarce and expensive in many parts of the country.

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It’s never surprising to see some type of fabric or geotextile called-out around an underground detention or infiltration system. The note is common across

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