In the realm of sanitary sewer storage solutions, large diameter pipes stand out as a beacon of cost efficiency and practicality. These pipes, often ranging from 30 inches to 120 inches in diameter, offer a multitude of benefits that cater specifically to the needs of municipal and industrial wastewater management systems.
Learn MoreStorm sewers are essential in managing rainwater and stormwater, ensuring that our streets and neighborhoods are protected from flooding. Advanced storm sewer systems not only offer enhanced performance but also provide significant cost benefits and ease of installation
Learn MoreChoosing the right culvert or buried bridge structure is crucial for any site application. While this may seem straightforward, it involves numerous practical and functional considerations. Project engineers and site developers must address these factors early in the planning stages.
Learn MoreWhen it comes to designing extensive storm sewer conveyance systems, engineers and agencies are constantly seeking innovative alternatives to traditional reinforced box culverts. Contech, a leading player in drainage and stormwater, has been at the forefront of exploring efficient and effective solutions for moving stormwater across the country. While concrete has been the default choice for larger systems, there's a compelling alternative worth considering – Smooth Cor™.
Learn MoreThe notion of bolstering safety factors in pipe design to compensate for subpar installation practices is a complex issue with various considerations. The effectiveness of buried flexible metal and plastic pipe systems hinges on a synergy between pipe strength and the surrounding soil support. Design procedures already integrate safety factors, emphasizing the vital role of proper installation in ensuring performance. Relying solely on increased pipe wall strength in design won't mitigate poor installation practices.
Learn MoreWhen a culvert or storm sewer reaches the end of its useful service life, the option to excavate and replace is commonplace. However, having the additional option to reline the existing structure to provide a structural solution can save significant time and money. A key to determining whether or not to excavate and replace or to structural reline an existing pipe is to assess the condition of the current pipe.
Learn MoreWhy is PVC pipe the right material for water and sanitary and storm sewer utilities? Today, I'd like to cover some key advantages for using PVC, and why it's been approved for use for decades.
Learn MoreDuroMaxx® steel reinforced polyethylene tanks are an efficient and innovative option for Airport Authorities looking to improve the way in which spent deicing fluid and aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) is contained. This product merges the advantages of steel with the advantages of HDB-rated polyethylene resin to create a 100 year+ service life, good hydraulics, and watertight joints.
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