Question: How often should trees be replaced in a Filterra system?

Answer: The trees and plants in a Filterra bioretention system do not need to be replaced on a fixed schedule. With proper species selection and maintenance, trees can last 10–20+ years.

They should only be replaced when they show signs of disease, pest infestation, or decline that cannot be treated.  For a complete list of recommended plants, please visit


Question: Does the modular wetlands linear system come in prefabricated sizes?

Answer: Yes, the Modular Wetlands Linear system is available in various prefabricated sizes.  The sizes available depend on the configuration (open planter, underground). Custom sizes may also be available.

Prefabricated sizes include:

  • 4' x 4'
  • 4' x 6'
  • 4' x 8
  • 4' x 13'
  • 4' x 15'
  • 4' x 17'
  • 4' x 19'
  • 4' x 21'
  • 6' x 8'
  • 8' x 8'
  • 8' x 12'
  • 8' x 16'
  • 8' x 20'
  • 8' x 24'
  • 4' x 4'

These sizes provide flexibility to meet specific site constraints and installation requirements.


Question: What is the difference between the Filterra and the Modular Wetland System

Answer: The Filterra and Modular Wetland System (MWS) are both proprietary stormwater treatment systems that use biofiltration but differ in treatment processes, configurations, and size.

Both products are approved through numerous local, state and federal verification programs, including the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP)  and Washington Department of Ecology (GULD) – Basic, Enhanced, Phosphorus, and Oil.


  • Type: High-flow biofiltration system
  • Design: Compact, tree-box-style system with engineered media in a concrete vault
  • Treatment Process:
    • Stormwater enters the unit through an inlet
    • Flows through a specially designed biofiltration media
    • Captures pollutants like sediments, nutrients, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons
    • Treated water exits through underdrains
  • Configurations
    • Filterra Offline
    • Filterra Peak Diversion
    • Filterra Internal Bypass Curb
    • Filterra Bioscape Vault
    • Filterra Bioscape Vault Basin
    • Filterra Bioscape

Modular Wetland System (MWS)

  • Type: Horizontal flow biofiltration system
  • Design: Multi-stage treatment train that integrates media filtration, wetland vegetation, and subsurface flow
  • Treatment Process:
    • Stormwater enters a sedimentation chamber for pretreatment
    • Passes through a horizontal biofiltration chamber with engineered media and vegetation
    • Treated water exits through underdrains

·         Configurations

    •         Curb Inlet
    •     Vault
    •     Downspout