

Bioretention and biofiltration use the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms found in nature to capture and filter stormwater. Providing both water quantity and quality benefits, biofiltration is ideal for Low Impact Development (LID), Green Infrastructure, and Environmental Site Design projects. Plus, the presence of plants increases biological activity and enhances the appearance of your site.

Low-Impact Development in a Small Footprint

Bioretention and biofiltration are effective methods for removing contaminants such as total suspended solids and nutrients from stormwater runoff, thereby enhancing water quality. These processes typically involve landscaping features to achieve their objectives.

Contech offers a comprehensive portfolio of bioretention and biofiltration solutions that function similarly to traditional land-based methods but with a remarkable reduction in footprint, often up to 95%. This compact design not only conserves space but also simplifies maintenance tasks.

Backed by numerous regulatory approvals, Contech's systems boast both aesthetic appeal and superior pollutant removal capabilities, making them the preferred choice for a diverse range of stormwater applications. These include urban development projects, commercial parking lots, residential streets, mixed-use developments, streetscapes, and more.

Explore our portfolio of bioretention/biofiltration solutions below.